Nordic Coaching Codex

NOCO is part of a Nordic network of executive coaches adhering to the Nordic Coaching Codex

Anchored in NLP-tradition

We believe in the key presuppositions of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP):

  • The map is not the same as the territory (people react on their perception, not reality itself).
  • Respect for each individual’s model of the world.
  • There are no failure, only feedback.
  • Everyone has the necessary resources needed to succeed.
  • There is a positive intention behind every behavior.
  • The meaning of your communication is the response you get.
  • Mind and body are interconnected.
  • If what you are doing isn’t working, do something else.

Confidentiality & Ethic

Coaching takes place in a fully confidential space unless otherwise explicitly agreed with the coachee. Furthermore, we adhere to the ethical rules issued by the NLP Association in Denmark (