Leadership Accelerator

–   “who you are, drives what you do

As a new leader or entrepreneur, having to navigate in the complexity of cooperate interests, and sometimes conflicting relations and different cultures, while as the same time, being a motivating force, creating commercial growth and reaching your set targets, you are on a steep learning curve.

Through the Leadership Accelerator course, you will build and strengthen your management ground by developing a greater self-awareness and a more holistic and value-based foundation for your leadership. During 10 one-on-one coaching sessions over a period of approx. 8-10 month you will develop your skills and mind-set as an impact leader by focusing on different aspects of personal leadership.

The gain from participating will depend on your individual effort. However, just like going to the gym, with good and consistent practice, you can gain your ambitious goals.

Focus areas for the course are:

Increasing understanding of your personal ground values and how they can guide you in the context of your company’s vision, culture and goals.

Gaining clarity about your priorities and role as a leader. Developing your authenticity and empathy as a trusted leader as well as how to motivate people to perform their best and together as a team.

Creating awareness of the significance of your cultural and personal “baggage” and how your thinking-patterns and communication affects your way of managing others, building and strengthening team-spirit and reaching your goals.

Learning tolls for managing and strengthen your relations, co-operation and conflict solution skills.

Finding a sustainable work-life balance so your do not burn out – neither carrier-wise or family-wise.

Focus areas for the course are:

Increasing understanding of your personal ground values and how they can guide you in the context of your company’s vision, culture and goals.

Gaining clarity about your priorities and role as a leader. Developing your authenticity and empathy as a trusted leader as well as how to motivate people to perform their best and together as a team.

Creating awareness of the significance of your cultural and personal “baggage” and how your thinking-patterns and communication affects your way of managing others, building and strengthening team-spirit and reaching your goals.

Learning tolls for managing and strengthen your relations, co-operation and conflict solution skills.

Finding a sustainable work-life balance so your do not burn out – neither carrier-wise or family-wise.

Price for the Leadership Accelerator Course: DKK 23.000 ex. IVA (10 one-on-one sessions of one hour/session).