Nordic Coaching Codex

NOCO is part of a Nordic network of executive coaches adhering to the Nordic Coaching Codex


Walk the talk

Members of the network have all extensive hands-on management experience from either the private or public sector and obtain an international recognised coaching certification.


Value based

Although, neutrality and curiosity is at the core of our coaching, our leadership experience and coaching skills, is grounded on Nordic traditions and the values of democratic rights, trust, tolerance, diversity and equality.


Anchored in NLP-tradition

We believe in the key presuppositions of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP):

  • The map is not the same as the territory (people react on their perception, not reality itself).
  • Respect for each individual’s model of the world.
  • There are no failure, only feedback.
  • Everyone has the necessary resources needed to succeed.
  • There is a positive intention behind every behavior.
  • The meaning of your communication is the response you get.
  • Mind and body are interconnected.
  • If what you are doing isn’t working, do something else.


Confidentiality & Ethic 

Coaching takes place in a fully confidential space unless otherwise explicitly agreed with the coachee. Furthermore, we adhere to the ethical rules issued by the NLP Association in Denmark (